
brother's gonna work it out - 03-15-02

well, there's another entry i'll probably never finish. how about that.

the point i was trying to make was that now that i'm lacking a lot of the filters i used to have in place, now that i'm changing modalities (or at least changing this modality), i've had to shut out pretty much everything, and as a result, everything inside gets kept in. so no writing of any particular interest. i assume this whole thing is a more or less transitional state of course.

i may have just come up with a potentially useful new rhetorical device, though -

"so maybe you should try yoga."

"um, yeah, that's not really in my modality right now."

and it's not like i'm TOTALLY EMOTIONALLY DEAD or anything. last night had its moments. hearing M sing "i lost my love on jacksboro highway". hearing *M's* voice echoing down congress ave from a couple of blocks away. speculating with B, who is gay, about why neither one of us gets any action anymore. then having him tell me he's been getting down with his (married, presumably hetero) french tutor. walking back across the river. listening to the luna version of "no regrets" over and over on the drive home.

oh, and *M* hanging out with the dude with the serious fro. SERIOUS fro. some major motherfucking hair. it went beyond real fro into some hyperstylized representation of fro. it was the olmec stone art version of a fro. the venus of willendorf of fros. this guy was a walking fro petroglyph.

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