
question of the day #1 - 03-29-02

do you have favourite clothes that you wear most often? why are these your favourite clothes? do they carry special connotation or are they just comfortable?

already i'm getting nervous with the questions. i don't know how to give simple answers.

basically anything i happen to be wearing that is cotton and doesn't look stupid is a favorite. i'm a creature of comfort. if i like something i'll wear it for several days (often in a row). the other night i slept in the cotton sweater i had worn to work, woke up, changed the t-shirt under it and wore it to work again. i don't really have a body odor problem (baking soda works as well on your body as in your kitchen, just a tiny bit is all you need), so nobody seems to mind.

wearing the same clothes over and over gives them that faint sort of bedroom smell, the smell of sheets that have been slept in just a couple of times, which i find comforting. as an aside, i also like the somewhat doggy smell of unwashed hair.

i change my socks every day. mostly.

so in winter it's cotton sweaters. in summer it's t-shirts - black, white, blue in a pinch.

i guess i should mention that i dearly love my steel-toed, steel-shanked, ankle-high boots.

i have some other clothes eccentricities. sometimes me and some friends get breakfast tacos at a place called mi madre's in our neighborhood. a while back i wore a mustard colored shirt and someone commented on it, so now i try to always wear a mustard colored shirt when we go there. i only have three, though, and none of them are cotton. i'm thinking about buying some more.

and one of my breakfast taco friends is also a co-worker and also doesn't change clothes very often. we had a couple of weeks not too long ago where we happened to be in dark brown sweaters pretty much all the time. one morning i picked him and his girlfriend up for tacos and we were both wearing them. we made her go back in and change into hers so we could have "brown sweater day". then we went and ate tacos. now, whenever i see him and we're wearing our brown sweaters we say "oh, brown sweater day".

summer's coming and the brown sweater days are almost over.

if you would like to have a question answered here - email me.

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