
i used to have a golden tongue - 05-01-05

You can la la la la la
And you can lie to all your friends
But you can't take that stuff to Canada...

Funny doing a search for her again on the Internet, like I do once or twice a year, just to see what she's up to. She's in Montreal now, which I happened to visit a few weeks ago.

Can't think of anything else to say about it, really.


One of these days I'll get the last roll of film shot off and develop it all and then I'll post some more pictures of Berlin, Kansas, the Gulf Coast, Montreal.


What are you up to tonight? I'm drinking Bushmill's and reading Patricia Highsmith.


Oh, guess what - I bought a house. More of a shack really, but it's got a big screened-in back porch and some nice little fruit trees. It will be strange leaving this neighborhood - which, in spite of the horribly skewed demographics due to being within walking distance of a 50,000-student university, is about as "urban" as this town gets in terms of density, access to various services, etc. Really there isn't anything here I can't walk to. Except my fucking job.

Living in the shack will cut my commute time in half. And it's right on a bus route. And Half-Price Books moved anyways and actually now I'll be in walking distance of the new one, even though it kind of sucks.

And really there are plenty of diners and stores and such up where I'm going. There just aren't the trees and hills and the coffee shops overrun with hipster kids.

The street I'll be doing most of my shopping/driving/walking on is the inspiration for at least two salty old Texas sayings -

"It's pernounced 'burn-it, durn it!"


"If it ain't on Burnet, you don't need it!"

There are a couple of bowling alleys. And the Poodle Dog. And Ginny's Little Longhorn, where they play chicken-shit bingo on Sundays. Farther up is La-La's Li'l Nugget.

My new neighbor's a friend of mine. So's the guy I bought the house from. He and his family are moving to Wisconsin to live in a yurt.

Anyways, I'm just up Woodrow from North Loop. You should come visit. If the weather's nice you can sleep on the porch. I'll make breakfast.

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