2001-08-30 - look now
2001-08-23 - eardrumbuzz
2001-08-21 - lost in the supermarket
2001-08-17 - all is quite quiet
2001-08-11 - coffeehaus
2001-08-11 - bestriding the same horse
2001-08-09 - in dreams begin responsibilities
2001-08-09 - beerland, tx
2001-08-07 - the road that runs that way
2001-08-03 - shot forth self living
2001-08-02 - homes and trains and the greenest of plains
2001-08-02 - the room was filled with talk
2001-08-02 - drive boy dog boy dirty numb angel boy

May '01 | June '01 | July '01 | Aug '01 | Sept '01 | Oct '01 | Nov '01 | Dec '01

Jan '02